Gallery - 2011 to 2024
For the last forty-one years I've organized my life around my commitment to the creative process. My studio has been the focal point of my waking life balanced by my family, my travels, my teaching and my art community involvement. Although it hasn't been easy, this balancing act of producing and exhibiting artwork with everything else has been fulfilling and deeply rewarding. The act of making something out of nothing is addictive and irresistible as I process my day to day living into the ideas and products which I in turn share with anyone who cares to look whether it be in a gallery or on social media.
From the time I graduated from OCAD, I've always been keen on expressing these ideas through symbols, some universal and others personal. I've developed a repertoire of ideograms, marks or motifs which I've used in my work throughout my career and which which I've manipulated and composed to tell stories and anecdotes like our ancestors did before us. My early upbringing in the Mediterranean coupled with my adoptive Canadian identity has made me the hybrid that this land is so adept at fostering.
From the time I graduated from OCAD, I've always been keen on expressing these ideas through symbols, some universal and others personal. I've developed a repertoire of ideograms, marks or motifs which I've used in my work throughout my career and which which I've manipulated and composed to tell stories and anecdotes like our ancestors did before us. My early upbringing in the Mediterranean coupled with my adoptive Canadian identity has made me the hybrid that this land is so adept at fostering.